Nicholas Cappon

Nicholas Cappon

Great Lakes, USA

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Interested in solving complex business-oriented problems using the latest technology in website development, data analytics and machine learning.


Tool use, language & improved hunting/diet as the chief influences on the reorganization & growth of the brain between Australopithecus & Homo

This research and Quest Presentation at SUNY Oswego involved trying to understand the mosaic theory of brain evolution between early hominid ancestors. Research methods included deductive reasoning along with using the limited endocast samples available from the fossil records to establish the relationship between environment, climate change, tool use and other influences that were key in the development of human cognition.

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Quantification of Polyamines through High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography

Eduardo Oliveira (UFPB), Eugênia Figueiredo (UFPB), & Nicholas Cappon (SUNY Oswego)

This research for the STEM Global Laboratory at SUNY Oswego and the Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB) in Joao Pessoa, Brazil involved performing a chemical experiment and analyzing the products using high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) in order to quantify the levels of the polyamines Spermine and Spermadine in solution. Levels of polyamines are directly related to cell proliferation and DNA. The modulation of intracellular polyamine levels is thought to have potential use in pharmaceutical development of an anti-cancer drug.

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Work Experience

ERP Analyst / True World Group, LLC
Mar 2022 - Aug 2023

Detroit, Michigan, United States

Vertically-integrated food distribution, grocery & restaurant business with branches in the USA, Japan, United Kingdom, Spain & Germany.

Assisted with development, integration & maintenance of Sage X3 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) program.

  • Worked on-site from the ERP Pilot project beginning in Detroit, Michigan with all departments as well as executive management and outside consultants in order to understand corporate and operational requirements of the ERP.
  • Communicated complex technical developments & analytical insights to non-technical audience including executive management and operations teams through regular progress meetings.

Tested ERP layout to ensure system met corporate needs.

  • Improved corporate food safety standards through lot traceability of fresh fish and frozen seafood from the point of origin through the supply chain to the retail customer.
  • Helped develop sales & purchase order guide modules as well as worked on inter-company order features that facilitated efficient and accurate sales and purchasing transactions between the various segments of the business.
  • Wrote manuals & trained IT team for ERP Pilot program. Led training sessions for all operations departments on the new ERP on both software and hardware.

Customized & configured workflow for client/server application integration.

  • Used ETL & EDA data procedures to extract data from multiple legacy systems such as SeaSoft regarding customers, suppliers, products, inventory, sales and purchasing. Data was then cleaned, transformed and imported into the new ERP system.
  • Served as project manager for and completed the project to integrate multiple Point-of-Sale programs like Square and CounterPoint in order to develop the ERP perpetual inventory & recipe builder modules for retail business segment. These features provide accurate real-time inventory & cost accounting based on automated data transfer, purchase order entry and delivery receiving processes.
Senior Web Developer / Wayne RESA-IntegriSource
Nov. 2021 - Feb. 2022

Wayne RESA provides services & support to 33 school districts in Wayne County, MI

Performed enterprise programming tasks in order to modernize, repair errors and improve the ERP system on contract basis:

  • Modernized application for assigning spaced seats on school buses based on updated COVID requirements.
  • Worked in Model-View-Controller (MVC) development environment.
  • Diagnosed and repaired errors related to the Excel spreadsheet import function of the Time Entry ERP module.
  • Built custom error reporting for Excel spreadsheet imports in order to improve ease of use for payroll entry.
  • Built tool to hide signatures on checks stored in the database from purchase orders for higher security and to prevent fraud.
  • Integrated R machine learning services with Microsoft SQL server and server protocols for advanced application development.
  • Developed list of key components used in the ERP for legacy modernization purposes and security vulnerability analysis.
  • Gave solutions in order to optimize the performance and delivery of ERP modules in order to improve loading times.
  • Wrote updated documentation order to improve group collaboration, efficiency and productivity in an agile environment.
Consultant / RIT Consulting Group
2020 - 2021

Marketing analytics & business intelligence consulting group.

Used statistics and data analytics to directly improve marketing & public relations in order to bolster brand status & clarify market position:

  • Created web scraping tools to gather data from HTML pages, Twitter & other social media platforms that enable gathering of real-time data on product reviews, perceptions and competition.
  • Created text & sentiment analyses of social media data to track customer sentiment regarding brands, products and events.
  • Built data models for various purposes such as measuring customer lifetime value, product trends, repurchase rates, retention rates to improve business efficiency and profitability.
  • Integrated data from marketing surveys in order to create the most viable product that a customer is willing to purchase.
  • Designed database architecture that was optimized for both speed and security using foreign key constraints, indexes and column formatting in order to provide integrity and consistency.
  • Used Oracle Apex and SQL to create interactive applications based on data drawn from databases and views. These applications integrated the data as well as basic SQL functions in a practical manner for end users.
  • Gave guest lectures about data analytics and natural language processing to masters level business classes.
Founder / Arcadian Venture /
2016 - 2022

E-commerce, Software-as-a-service (SaaS) & business intelligence website application development firm.

Used a proprietary website development platform to build dozens of full working website applications from ideas, which resulted in improved efficiency and consistency between sites.

  • Worked on e-commerce shopping carts & subscriptions to improve ease of use and increase purchase rates.
  • Developed visitor tracking platforms that report various metrics to improve website usability.
  • Added SSL encryption and created robot detection algorithms to increase cyber security of websites.
  • Constructed tools to measure conversion rates in order to improve profitability.
  • Integrated various API data connections to allow live updating of data feeds and 3rd party platforms.
  • Utilized Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques to improve website ranking performance in major search engines.
  • Developed database architecture to improve response times which increases customer conversion rates.
  • Built internal web development tools to replace 3rd party tools in order to ensure consistency and longevity of operations despite constantly changing web environment and application updates.
  • Administered Linux, Ubuntu & Centos servers ensuring 99.99% uptime.
  • Managed website hosting, domains and DNS using tools such as cPanel and WHM on dedicated servers.
  • Developed data visualization tools to help easily understand business information and apply to create tangible benefits for the business such as reducing costs, optimizing efficiency or reducing waste.
  • Developed R Shiny applications to generate useful dashboards from data along with tools for analysis.
  • Developed proprietary machine learning natural language processing and forecasting algorithms in order to more accurately understand and make use of data for business intelligence purposes.
  • Integrated machine-learning into applications for more advanced data processing and accurate prediction results.
Founder / World Map /
2020 - 2021

Interactive data visualization web application for geographic data.

Developed geographic information system (GIS) application to connect data & locations into interactive maps to improve analytical insights:

  • Choropleth maps were made to model country, state and county level data and fill regions with scaled colors.
  • Cluster maps helped model concentrations of data in specific locations for targeted advertising which helped reduce marketing and customer acquisition costs.
  • Maps for each country & subdivision were integrated for visualization of trends on all levels.
  • Applications for this software include marketing, healthcare, academic research, governmental work & more.
  • Added additional tools such as bubbles, arrows, lines and more based on coordinate data in order to provide enhanced features for users to visualize their geographic data.
  • Built map builder function to automatically generate maps based on inputed data to improve user friendliness.
  • Added coordinate and data handling measures to data imports in order to ensure proper formatting and minimize errors in order to reduce the errors that the user has to correct manually.
  • Integrated advanced features such as geographic time series data handling using an interactive player.
  • Added features to allow exporting of maps into images and movies based on the type of data being visualized.
  • Used D3 charts to add topographic and bathymetric charts as well as heat maps in order to allow processing of more advanced types of geographic data.
Founder / History Archive /
2015 - 2021

Historical digitization platform for old & rare books.

Built an application to preserve rare books from libraries & museums and provide free public access:

  • Allows public access to thousands of old books, images, maps and related bibliographic information.
  • High resolution files & high-level zooming enables analysis of images without needing to see the physical copy.
  • Online book reader allows viewing of old books often not available to the public due to the condition and age.
  • Integrated proper bibliographic citations in APA, MLA and Chicago for all books, images, maps and other material.
  • Collaborated with dozens of private and academic institutions around the world to acquire scans of books that are incredibly rare and often only found in collections.
  • Digitized material from my personal collection and worked with rare book dealers and other organizations to acquire scans of material that was not found in libraries or institutions due to rarity.
  • Did additional research to properly attribute and catalogue all works and creators and found scans from other works to complete library copies if images or pages were missing.
  • Performed human proof-reading and corrections on text from optical image recognition (OCR) software in order to provide the most accurate and authentic material.
Founder / Sabalico /
2012 - 2021

Responsive website framework & content management system.

Constructed a responsive website framework that integrates images and objects across different screen sizes and devices and provides consistent development features:

  • Changes improved user-friendliness & allowed faster, more efficient rendering which helped application ease of use.
  • Developed new techniques for faster page loading speeds which improved visitor conversions.
  • Built a library of interactive features including tabs, sliders, pop-out navigation bars that all integrate with the responsive framework to improve usability for visitors.
  • Developed a secure login portal and back end platform using a multi-layered cyber security plan with multiple redundancy systems that passes the highest levels of Mozilla
  • Observatory standards.
  • Constructed a content management system that manages website pages along with an editor within the admin portal.
  • Developed custom shopping carts and associated back-end for unique products with additional options and special pricing in order to accommodate variations and additions.
  • Created shopping cart checkout forms that send and receive information to payment processors such as PayPal, Stripe or using secure API’s and update a database based on the response.
  • Integrated coupon codes into the shopping cart and checkout which allowed for a percentage or flat fee discount and automatic initiation and expiration.
  • Built enterprise resource planning features such as inventory tracking, automatic restocking, shipping & tracking, invoicing, messaging as well as live chat.
  • Integrated cPanel and WHM through API connections to allow full spectrum website and server management from a single platform to improve efficiency.
  • Added payment processing options through Stripe and PayPal to easily turn websites into online stores.